Useful expressions for the FCE/CAE speaking exam Part 4

Useful expressions for the FCE/CAE speaking exam Part 4

Tip 1
This task leads ‘naturally’ on from the working together task in speaking part 3. The examiner will then go on to ask the candidates more general questions based on the topic of part 3. For example, if in part 3 the students decided which poster to use for an ad campaign, it might be followed by questions on advertising such as ‘Do you think poster campaigns are effective?’.
Tip 2
Unlike in part 3, this is a three-way spoken interaction. As in the other parts of the speaking exam, it is meant to be as natural as possible. Therefore, students can comment on what the other candidate has said and (politely!) interrupt etc. like in a semi-formal situation such as business meeting.
Tip 3
Students often ask whether the questions will be aimed at both of them or specifically to one person. The answer is that it depends on the examiner and on the candidates. An examiner will often choose to direct the questions if one candidate has been dominating the conversation too much. 
Tip 4
Students are often uncertain about is how long they have to talk about each one of the examiner’s questions. This part generally lasts 4 minutes: the examiner, however, has a certain amount of flexibility on when to stop part 3. The examiner has about 6 or 7 questions to last this time, so two word answers for each one are going to lead to a very unhappy examiner! Not having much to say on one or two questions is no big deal, however. At the other extreme, if the candidates find one of the questions so fascinating that they can talk about it in a natural way for 4 minutes this is a good (if unlikely) thing, as it saves them from any more tricky questions the examiner has on his/ her list.
Tip 5

The functional language of asking for and giving opinions, including some agreement and disagreement language is useful for this part of the exam. 

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