FCE – Useful expressions for the FCE speaking exam

Useful expressions for the FCE speaking exam

Home Town / Family / Home
I’ve lived here in Granada since ...................................for................
I’m from ....................................... but I’ve been living here since.................
What I like most about living here  is............................................................
I come from quite a ............................ family, there are .......... of us.
People say I ........................................ my Mother as we’re both tall.
I think I ....................................... my Father as we’re both openminded.
I live in a really nice .......................... in ..................................
If I could change anything about my home, I’d probably ...........................
I don’t do much around the house but I usually help with ..........................
I hate housework so I try to ........................................ it! But I always  ........... my bed.
Studies / Work / School days
started learning English at school in ............... / when I was ..................
wish I had started when I was younger...I think a good age to start is ....
I’ve been studying English since ...............................
I ............................... English classes again recently.
I don’t remember much about my school days, but ..................................... (verb + ing)
I think my school days were the best days of my life!
I was very good at .........(VERB + ING)......................... but I hated ..........(VERB + ING).................. My favourite / worst teacher was a person called ...................................
prefer working alone because .......................................
like having the radio on in the background.
I use a computer every day at work.
The computer is an essential part of my work.
I use a computer at home, to look for things on the Internet, or to  chat with my friends.
Holidays / Travelling
usually go............................................................ in the summer.
love going to the coast because ...................................
For me the most important thing about a hoiliday is..................................
If I visit a new place, I always like going sightseeing.
I had a wonderful time when I went to ........................ ......... years  ago.
What I enjoyed most was ...................(VERB + ING).......................................
I went to ................. a few years ago and I’d love to go back.
The worst part of the holiday was..................................................................
If I could afford it I’d really like to go to ......................................  because... ..............
I’m too busy to have a holiday!!
usually work in the summer so I don’t really have a holiday.
I don’t have any plans yet for summer but I’ll hopefully go somewhere nice.
Hobbies / Sports
In my free time I enjoy .........(VERB + ING)............................. I started ....................  years ago / when I was ......................
I’m really keen on ................................. and I play ................. a week
try to ............................... regularly.
I’m not very keen on sports, I prefer.....................................
I took up ........(VERB + ING)................... 2 years ago and I’m really enjoying it.
love ....................... but I wish I had more time to do more.
I’m really interested in cinema and films, I usually go to the
cinema about ............. a month. I like ....................... to the theatre but I don’t go very often as I can’t
..................... it.
I love going to the cinema, it doesn’t .......................... what film is on, I try to go once a week!
Music / Going out
I like all .................. of music but probably my favourite is.....................
I can’t stand the typical commercial pop music that is around nowadays. I prefer ..........................
The last concert I went to was to see .............................. in ..........................
Granada isn’t as good as places like Madrid or Barcelona for
like listening to music but I don’t buy much music.
At weekends I usually get together with my friends. We go out for a drink and we have a good time.
I don’t usually spend much money when I go out but I always have fun with my friends.
Granada isn’t as expensive as other cities.
There are a lot of things for young people to do here.
We usually get together on Friday night, buy some drinks and hang around in the streets!
Special occasions
My favourite month is .................. because..........................
On my birthday I usually go out for a meal with my family and throw
a party with my friends!
One thing I like doing is going out somewhere special.
The last special event I went to was ..............................
The next thing I’m going to celebrate is ............................

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